How to Update Store Hours

Stefania Sarti
Stefania Sarti
  • Updated

This article will walk you through how to edit and publish Menu Hours.

Please first check that your timezone is set to the correct timezone in your tablet by following these steps:

  1. Clicking the menu icon (☰) in the upper left-hand corner of your tablet
  2. Navigate to Settings
  3. Your current timezone settings appear under your store's main address. If your timezone is correct please review the following steps on how to adjust your hours

NOTE: Your store may show closed if it’s within 30 minutes of your store opening. This status sometimes takes 30 minutes to update at the beginning of the day. We’re happy to refresh the status for you on our end if this doesn’t auto-update itself after this time frame. 

Video Walkthrough


Step-By-Step Walkthrough

Log into your Business Manager account and navigate to Menus Otter_R_menu_tab.png

When in Menus, select the menu that you want to edit.


Click on Hours, then click Edit.


From here, you may adjust Regular Hours or Special Hours.

  • Days can be toggled as Opened or Closed

  • Daily hours can be set & adjusted

  • Special hours / Holiday hours can be set & adjusted

  • Additional opening & closing times may be added per day.


For Special Hours, don't forget to choose the days you want to close or change hours for.

Once you have inserted the hours and week days you need to change hours for, click Publish Changes.



Please reach out to our Support Team via chat or email us at if you run into any issues. 

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