Order Manager Glossary


All the terms you need to know.

Term Definition
Order Manager Otter's all-in-one order consolidation tool that keeps all your orders and storefront management in one place.
Prep Time The time it will take you to prepare an order.
Delivery App/Partner Delivery services, e.g. Uber Eats and DoorDash.
Storefront How your restaurant shows up on delivery apps and where you can manage when your restaurant shows up on apps.
86ing Marking an item as out-of-stock, for
the day or indefinitely.
Auto Accept Otter's order management feature that allows you to automatically accept all incoming orders.
Order Feed Otter's all-in-one order consolidation tool that keeps all your orders and storefront management in one place.
Locations Your locations that are active in delivery platforms.
Storefront Pausing Pausing your storefront means you will not show up as available on delivery apps until you unpause. You can schedule the duration of the pause ahead of time or pause when busy.

If you need additional help or information, you can contact support via the following:

  • Chat - Our live agents are available 24/7 to help you through your Otter device. Tap the chat button on the top right corner of the home screen.
  • SMS/Text or Telephone - Send us a text or give us a call anytime at 1-888-681-8837 for prompt service from our support experts.


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