How to downgrade or cancel an Otter account

If you would like to downgrade or cancel an Otter account, please follow the steps below to submit a request to our Customer Success Team. We would be happy to assist you with the account changes.

Please Note: The ability to submit this request is limited to users with the billing administrator role. 
Enterprise (ENT), Partner, and Annual Billing customers do not have access to this form and will need to reach out to their Customer Success Manager directly for assistance. 

Step  Process  Notes/Photos/Videos (if applicable) 
1 Log in to Otter Restaurant Dashboard (Business Manager). 
2 Select the profile icon in the top-right corner and select Billing. alt Billing.png" width="299" height="269"
3 Navigate to the Subscriptions tab. Subscriptions tab.png
4 Select Submit a Request. Submit a request.png
5 Select the type of request. Available options:
  • Downgrade my plan
  • Cancel my entire organization
  • Cancel specific locations
  • Other
Type of Request.png
6 If you select "cancel specific locations," you must select all locations that apply. Locations.png
7 Select the cancellation reason. You can multi-select up to 3 reasons. Cancellation Reasons.png
8 Add any additional information or comments regarding your request. 
This field is not mandatory.
Additional Information Field.png
9 Enter a valid phone number for our team to contact you. Phone Number Field.png

After the request is submitted, you will receive a confirmation that you will be receiving a call from our support team soon.


Our team will reach out to you within 1-2 business days. 

Request Confirmation.png


If you need additional help or information, you can contact support via the following:

  • Chat - Our live agents are available 24/7 to help you through your Otter device. Tap the chat button on the top right corner of the home screen.
  • SMS/Text or Telephone - Send us a text or give us a call anytime at 1-888-681-8837 for prompt service from our support experts.


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