How to cancel a CloudRetail account

Kala Haley
Kala Haley
  • Updated


To cancel your CloudRetail account, please follow the instructions below. We would be happy to help you with the account changes. 

User Instructions

If you would like to cancel your CloudRetail account, please fill out the following form: CloudRetail: Contract Termination Request Form. Once the form is submitted, our CloudRetail Account Management Team will be there to assist you with the account changes. 

Please note that our agreements require 30 days notice of cancelation. We do ask that you arrange to have all remaining products picked up before then. We are also more than happy to dispose of it for you if you would prefer.


If you need additional help or information, you can contact support via the following:

  • Chat - Our live agents are available 24/7 to help you through your Otter device. Tap the chat button on the top right corner of the home screen.
  • SMS/Text or Telephone - Send us a text or give us a call anytime at 1-888-681-8837 for prompt service from our support experts.

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