The Storefronts App is where you can pause and un-pause your storefronts and can be accessed from the homepage.
Storefronts App Layout
The Storefronts App has two main sections: (1) storefront list, and (2) function side panel*.
The Storefronts List
Storefront list contains storefront cards grouped by brands. Within each storefront card, accounts with the pause/un-pause permissions can
- Pause and un-pause a storefront inline
- Multi-select storefronts (to trigger bulk operation through side panel)
- Select the brand (to trigger bulk operation for all storefronts within the brand through side panel)
The Storefronts Function Panel
The Storefronts Function Panel, located on the right-hand side of the screen, will indicate the actions you are able to take for each of the storefronts. If these options are not available, it indicates that these functionality permissions have not been granted to your account.
Expand the sections below to learn how to perform each of the functionalities on the Storefronts App.
How to pause storefronts
(1) You can click the pause icon for a storefront, or select multiple storefronts then click the "pause all" button on the side panel.
Single storefront | Multiple storefronts |
(2). After clicking the pause icon, a pause modal would pop. You can select from any of the following:
- Select a start time*
- Select a end time
- Select a pause reason
You'll then click “Pause” button in the modal to pause a storefront.
(3). After clicking the pause button, there will be a toast showing on the top (will dismiss after 3 seconds), and an inline message to indicate the storefront is pausing (may take up to 5 minutes to complete)
Single storefront | Multiple storefronts |
(4). After the pausing operation complete, if the pause succeeded, there will be an inline message to indicate the pause end time, and a success pause notification (for each storefronts).
If the pause failed, there will be a pause failure notification (for each storefront), and you can retry from there.
How to schedule a storefront pause
(1). If you have the ability to schedule a pause, you can select a future time as the start time from the Pause pop up modal.
(2). After scheduling a pause, there will be a scheduled pause tag with the start time show up in the storefront row.
(3). You can click the “Pencil” icon to edit or cancel the scheduled pause.
(4). When it is the scheduled time to pause, the storefront will start pausing. A success notification will pop once the storefront is paused successfully.
How to un-pause storefronts
(1) Click the unpause icon for a storefront, or select multiple storefronts then click the unpause all button on the side panel.
Single storefront | Multiple storefronts |
(2). After clicking the unpause icon or unpause all button, there will be a message at the top of the screen (will dismiss after 3 seconds), and an inline message to indicate the storefront is unpausing (may take up to 5 mins to complete)
Single storefront | Multiple storefronts |
(3). After the unpausing operation complete, if the unpause succeeded, there will be success unpause notification (for each storefronts).
If the pause failed, there will be a pause failure notification (for each storefront), and you can retry from there.
How to activate Busy Mode
You can toggle on Busy Mode during rush hours. By toggling on Busy Mode, additional prepare time will be automatically added to all storefronts' orders.
(1). To enter busy mode, click the busy mode toggle
(2). After clicking the toggle, an edit modal will pop up. You can then do one of the following:
- Select extra pre-ptime
- Set up the busy mode duration time.
After selecting one of the available options, click the 'Enter busy mode' button
(3). After clicking 'Enter busy mode' button, a notice will appear and the busy mode related information will display on the side panel.
(4). A notification will pop 5 minutes before the busy mode end time. You can extend the busy mode to a later time on the notification if needed.
Storefronts Settings in Otter App
At Otter, we put you in control of your ordering experience. With our Storefronts Settings feature in the Otter app, you can personalize how you manage your orders. Set your preferences for automatic or manual order acceptance and specify the preparation time for each storefront. It's all about tailoring your ordering process to suit your needs.
Storefront Settings Instructions
How to set up manual/auto-accept
Inline editing You can switch on/off auto-accept feature for each delivery channel. |
Bulk editing You can select the checkboxes of each delivery channel to edit in bulk the auto-accept.
How to set up preparation time
Inline editing You can edit the preparation time for each storefront inline. |
Bulk editing You can select the checkboxes of each storefront to edit in bulk the preparation time.
Still need help? Reach out to our team:
Live Chat | Text/SMS Message | |
Chat with support by clicking the chat icon in the bottom right corner of the Otter Dashboard. |
+1 (888) 681-8837 Send us a text to the number above for assistance over text message. |
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