Otter POS: How to Manage Timecards (Clocking In/Out)

Kala Haley
Kala Haley
  • Updated


The Otter POS Timecard feature simplifies employee time tracking, ensuring precise staff hour records and smooth shift management.

It enables employees to clock in or out directly from your Otter POS terminal and integrates employee time reporting into your Otter Dashboard, providing a comprehensive overview of your operations.

Access the Time card app from the home screen of your device. Don’t see it there? Reach out to our support team for help to enable the feature!



How does it work?

⚠️ PLEASE NOTE: You must use Employee Pin Code Logins to access the Time Card features.

Time Card Video Overview



Time Card Features

Once Time card is enabled for a location, employees can clock in and out directly on the Otter POS terminal. If an employee has not clocked in when they attempt to use the terminal, they will be prompted to clock in first before they can proceed with using the terminal.

Features Include

  • A new Time Card app on the Otter home screen.
  • The ability to clock in or clock out from the POS terminal.
  • Reporting on employee work hours in the Otter Dashboard.



Clocking In and Out

Follow the guide below to learn how to clock in and clock out for a shift on the Otter POS terminal.

Step Process Image
1 Click on the [Time card app] on the Otter home screen. Time Card App

The timecard pop-up will prompt the employee to either:

  • [Clock in] to start a new shift
  • [Clock out] to end their shift

Clock In

Clock in screen

Clock Out

Clock out screen



Employee Reporting in Otter Dashboard

This introduces a new application within the Otter Dashboard called Staff. Within the Staff application, you can view or export reports on employees' clocked working hours.

Features Include

  • Universal filters for:
    • Date
    • Location
    • Role
    • User
  • Ability to Export in XLS format
  • Timecard data table
Staff application in Otter Dashboard.png
Timecard Report.png

Timecard Report in Otter Dashboard



Frequently Asked Questions

Who has access to this feature?

All organizations that have opted into Otter POS Timecard features

Which employees will be able to clock in and clock out?

Once enabled, all employees with a pin code will be able to clock in and clock out.

Does this feature have added costs?

No, it is available to all Otter POS customers.

How often does data refresh in the Timecard data table?

The data is updated immediately.

How is the time on clock-in, clock-out recorded?

Clock-in and out is recorded as the device time.

What can I do if an employee forgets to logout? Can a manager adjust this?

At this time, there is no way to edit a clock in or clock out time within the app. But you can edit the data once it’s been exported!

Why am I not seeing clocked in employees in the Timecard report in Otter Dashboard?

Currently, the Timecard report in Otter Dashboard only shows shifts that have a clock in AND a clock out event. Once the employee has clocked out, the time card data will be available in Otter Dashboard.



Need help? Our support team is available via the following channels:

  • Chat - Our live agents are available 24/7 to help you through your Otter device. Tap the chat button on the top right corner of your POS device. 
  • Telephone or SMS/text - Call or text us anytime at 1-727-268-8471 for prompt service from our Otter POS support experts.
  • Email - Send us an email at and get a response within 24 hours

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