Orders Management

The Orders App and Order Manager is where you will go to view and manage all of your orders (including online ordering services, POS, and kiosk orders). This article will provide you with instructions for navigating both of the Otter order management systems. 

What's the difference between Orders App and Order Manager?

  • Orders App - This order management system is located directly within your Otter device (Otter app). It displays an order feed that allows you to create, manage, action on, and review all of your orders. The Orders app is the most commonly used system and can be utilized by any of your staff members (managers, supervisors, cashiers, etc).
  • Order Manager - This order management system is a website that can be accessed from a desktop computer. It reflects the same details from the Orders app, along with additional features for managing operations, configuring store settings, and reviewing order reports. Order Manager would typically be utilized by managers and/or supervisors.



Orders App

What is the Orders App?

The Orders App can be thought of as a central hub for all of your orders within the Otter device (Otter app). This includes orders from all integrated third-party services like DoorDash, GrubHub, and Uber Eat.

If you have Otter POS and/or Kiosk as part of your Otter subscription, Otter POS & Otter Kiosk order management will also be included within the Orders App.

To access the Orders app, click the [Orders] icon on the homepage:

Orders app



Viewing Orders in Orders App

We currently offer two screen views: Split view (default) and List view.

  • Split view contains 2 main sections (Order Feed, Order Details) besides top navigation:
    • Order Feed
      • Provides access to each accepted order and order filters
    • Order Details
      • Displays order, courier, and eater information
      • Provides access to order-related actions

        Orders app split view
  • List view contains 1 main section (Order Feed) besides top navigation:
    • Order feed provides access to each accepted order and its primary action button
    • You can click any order in the feed to access order details
      Orders feed list view
      Order details in list view



Order Feed in Orders App

Order feed is a list view of existing orders. You can click each order item to view the order details.

Order Item | Basic Information

Order Example

Each Order Item contains basic information regarding the order, including:

  • Customer Name
  • Order ID (Online order) / Table Number (Dine-in order)
  • Brand Tag
  • Order Type Tag
  • Order Total Value
  • Order Total Item Amount

Order Item | Delivery ETA Tags (Online Orders)

The Delivery ETA Tag aims to help you better understand the estimate courier pickup time for each order.

(Compares to
current time)
Tag Types Images Examples

Pick up ETA > 3 mins

Courier has not arrived yet

Countdown Time Tag
Order Example
It is 6 pm now, the courier will arrive at 6:10 pm (in 10 mins).

Pick up ETA <= 3 mins

Pick up ETA > 0 min

Courier has not arrived yet

Countdown Time Tag

Courier Arriving Tag

Order Example
It is 6:07 pm now, the courier will arrive at 6:10 pm (in 3 mins).

Pick up ETA >= 0 min

Courier has arrived

0 min Time Tag

Courier Arrived Tag

Order Example

It is 6:08 pm now, the courier is suppose to arrive at 6:10; but actually has arrived already, so the countdown time tag changed to 0.

It is 6:10 pm now (courier arrived at 6:08 pm), but it has not passed 6:10 yet, so time tag keeps showing 0.

Pick up ETA < 0 mins

Courier has arrived

Minus Min(s) Time Tag

Courier Arrived Tag

Order Example
It is 6:11 pm now (courier arrived at 6:08 pm), and it has passed the original ETA (6:10), so time tag shows - 1 min (6:10 - 6:11 = -1).

Pick up ETA < 0 mins

Courier has not arrived yet

Minus Min(s) Time Tag

Courier Arriving Tag

Order Example
It is 6:11 pm now, courier hasn’t arrived yet, but it has passed the original ETA (6:10), so time tag shows - 1 min (6:10 - 6:11 = -1)



Managing Orders in Orders App

Order Item | Status Tag

Once an order has been marked as ready, the time tag in the Delivery ETA tag will be replaced by the “Ready” status tag.

Order Example

Order Item | Actions

You can only access the order primary actions (Mark ready, Hand off) in Order List View.

Order Example
Order Example

Order Details

Order details contain detailed order data, including:

  • Order Items and Totals
  • Courier Information (delivery orders only)
  • Customer/Eater Information

The actionable area is located at the bottom. Available action options:

  • Primary action [Mark Ready / Hand Off]
  • Reprint order ticket [printer icon]
  • Additional actions can be accessed by selecting the [3 vertical dots]
Additional Order Actions

Order Filters

Order Filter Selector and Filter Bar

The Active orders feed provides access to Order Filters, including:

  • Order Status - The status of the order being made in the kitchen: Cooking, Ready for Handoff, and Handed Off.
  • Payment Status - Flags if an order has been paid for or is unpaid.
  • Cashier - Allows you to filter orders by a specific cashier who processed the order.
  • Order Channel - The online ordering channel the order is coming from or a direct order.
  • Brand - If you have more than one brand available on your Otter device, you can filter between different restaurant brands here.
  • Order Type - The type of order as it relates to how you are receiving the order: Delivery, Pickup, Dine-in, and Drive Through.
  • POS Injection Status - Flags if an order has been sent to the POS or not.
NoteDynamic Filters
The filters you have access to will depend on the orders you currently have. For example, if no orders have been processed, no filters will be shown.
Order Filters



Order Notifications in Otter App

Order Notifications are displayed in the bottom-right corner of the screen. There are 5 types of order notifications:

  • You can [Decline] or [Accept] orders from the notification. To see more details or adjust prep time, you can select the expander button to expand the notification card.

    Notification sound lasts for 24 seconds or until the user accepts/rejects an order.

    Manual Accept Order Notification
  • Notification rings once (around 3 seconds). No action is required to accept the order.

    To see more details about the order, you can select the expander button to expand the notification card.

    Auto Accept Order Notification
  • Notification rings once (around 1 second). No action is required to cancel the order.

    To see more details about the order, you can select the expander button to expand the notification card.

    Canceled Order Notification
  • The same notification sound as the manual accept order notification and will last for 24 seconds.

    You can select [Got it] to close the notification or select [View Order] to review the scheduled order details. To see more details about the order, you can select the expander button to expand the notification card.

    Scheduled Order Notification
  • The same notification sound as the manual accept order notification and will last for 24 seconds.

    You can select [Got it] to close the notification or select [View Order] to review the adjusted order details. To see more details about the order, you can select the expander button to expand the notification card.

    Adjusted Order Notification



Order Manager

What is Order Manager?

Order Manager is Otter's main operational website for restaurants and delivery businesses. This website reflects some details that can be found in the Otter app. With this tool, you can optimize your restaurant's daily order management from one or multiple locations in one single place. Order Manager aggregates all platforms, such as:

  • Delivery partner platforms
  • Logistics partners
  • POS systems
  • Direct ordering platforms

Everything is consolidated into one single system to make running a business as simple as possible.

InfoTo access Order Manager, go to https://app.tryotter.com/.

Main Uses of Order Manager

Through Order Manager, you can configure and fully manage your day-to-day operations. With its order feed, you can keep track of all order statuses, accept, adjust, or cancel orders from multiple platforms; as well as 86 menu items, manage store(s) and menu(s) availability & hours, understand operational performance, configure store settings, integrate partners, and much more.



Order Manager Features

Live Orders Management

Through your Order Manager home page (or Orders tab), you can accept, adjust, cancel, and keep track of all incoming, scheduled, or manually input orders from all integrated platforms.

Have full visibility of your operations and order fulfillment stages through the [Active] and [Completed] order lists. Through our search bar, you can look up all of your orders, filter by platforms and partners, as well as fulfilment stages, and completely manage your daily operations.

[Active] Orders Tab in Web Order Manager

Orders Auto Accept

Automatically accept multiple delivery platform's incoming orders to avoid missing any sales. Turn on the Auto-Accept settings in the Integrations tab for all your integrated delivery platforms to optimize your operational time.

warning-notification.svgManual Orders
If the Auto-Accept settings are not toggled on to Automatic, you must manually accept the order within the timeframe determined by the delivery partner, usually within 3 minutes, or else the order will be canceled.
Auto-Accept Setting

Order Details

Select an order to access the order details, such as customer name, contact details (when available), items ordered, courier details, and order ID, as well as to reprint tickets and accept, edit, cancel, or change an order's fulfillment stage.

Order Details in Web Order Manager

Store Availability

Quickly update all your stores' availability for different platforms from Order Manager. Select the store icon in the top right corner, which allows you to pause/unpause or schedule a pause on all your platforms. This feature is extremely useful during order surges or kitchen operational issues.

Store Availability in Web Order Manager

Prep Times

In the Integrations tab, you can edit default preparation times for all incoming orders from integrated platforms. Correct and prep times allow customers to have visibility of delivery ETAs, which leads to a better customer experience.

Prep Times in Web Order Manager

Multiple Locations

For restaurants with multiple locations, Order Manager gives you the ability to quickly access all locations' settings, operations, and reports from one single platform.

Items 86-ing & Menu Availability

Through the Menus tab, you can 86 one or multiple menu items with a few simple clicks. This allows you to easily respond to unplanned out-of-stock items and control the demand of more complex items during peak hours.

Items 86-ing and Menu Availability in Web Order Manager

Menu Hours

Go to the Menus tab to easily manage your menu's availability. This feature will allow you to keep your menu hours up to date, including Regular Hours for multiple menus throughout the day – breakfast, lunch, and dinner – and Special Hours – during national holidays, for example.

Regular Menu Hours in Web Order Manager
Regular Hours
Special Menu Hours in Web Order Manager
Special Hours

Order History

On the History tab, access all your delivery platforms' order history in one single place.

Order History in Web Order Manager


Select the Integrations tab to connect, edit, and review the status of all your integrated delivery partner platforms and services; as well as review the status of your printer.

Integrations Tab in Web Order Manager

Operational Reports

Go to the Reports tab to understand your operational performance. Analyse gross sales, order volume, AOV, and much more. 

With the Order Manager reports, you can quickly have access to consolidated information or filter by specific periods, delivery platforms, or fulfillment modes.

Summary Report in Web Order Manager
Summary Report
Link Deposits Report in Web Order Manager
Linked Deposits Report
Order Details Report in Web Order Manager
Order Details Report

Store Settings

Within the Settings tab, you can configure, edit, or change your store(s) settings and workflows.

Settings in Web Order Manager

Notifications and Announcements

Keep up to date with all of Order Manager's and Otter's newest features, issues, solutions, and updates. Access all notifications and announcements by selecting the bell icon in the top right corner.

Otter Announcements in Web Order Manager



Accessing Orders App and Order Manager

Accessing the Orders App via an Otter Tablet: 

Simply turn on your Otter device, navigate to the Otter app on the home screen, and input the username and password provided to you by the Otter activation team when setting up your account. The app should automatically launch the Orders app. If it does not, select the [Orders] app on the homepage.

Orders app


Accessing Order Manager via a Desktop Computer: 

Navigate to the Otter web app using Google Chrome found at the URL: app.tryotter.com/login. You’ll be prompted to log in using your Otter username and password provided to you by the Otter activation team when setting up your account. 

Screenshot 2023-08-11 at 1.16.54 AM.png




  • We have a navigation tutorial that can be found by clicking on the Profile icon in the Otter app. The tutorial will walk you through how to use your Order Feed in the Orders app. To navigate here, follow the steps below:
    • Click the [Profile] icon in the upper right-hand corner.
      Profile Icon in Otter App
    • Select [View Tutorial] from the dropdown menu.
      View Tutorial in Otter App
    • A video will appear, which will be a series of clickable images designed to take you, step by step, through the Orders Feed and its functionality.
      How to use your Order Feed tutorial



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+1 (888) 681-8837

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