How do I deactivate/reactivate (86) a menu item in Otter Order Manager?

Table of Contents


Deactivating Items (86)

Otter Essentials

For Otter Essentials Customers, please reach out to our team via Live Chat and select the option:

1. Deactivate / Reactivate Menu Item. 


Otter Core & Otter Pro

When 86ing items or modifiers, you have two options:

  • "Unavailable Today" - Use when the request is only for today.
  • "Unavailable Indefinitely” - Use when the request is more than 1 day.

To deactivate a menu item or modifier item within your Otter Tablet, follow the steps below:





Click on the menu icon (☰) in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. Once there, navigate to Menu.










If using New Order Manager, select Menu on the homepage.

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2. On the Menu screen, select the Menu or Modifier Item you would like 86 (deactivate).  
3. Select from the following options:
Available - Keeps the item available for purchase and use
Unavailable today - Mark the item as out of stock until tomorrow
Unavailable indefinitely - Mark the item as out of stock until you manually reactivate it
4. Click the orange button at the bottom to remove the item. 86.png


PRO TIP: You can quickly verify which items are Available/Unavailable at the top of your screen by clicking on the All or Unavailable buttons.



Reactivating Items (un-86)

Otter Essentials

For Otter Essentials Customers, please reach out to our team via Live Chat and select the option:

1. Deactivate / Reactivate Menu Item. 


Otter Core & Otter Pro





In order to un-86 (re-activate) a menu or modifier item within your Otter Tablet, first, click on the menu icon (☰) in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. Once there, navigate to Menu.










If using New Order Manager, select Menu on the homepage.

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From the Menu screen, select the Menu or Modifier Item you would like 86 (deactivate).

Select Available.

Once you’ve made your selection, click the orange button at the bottom to remove the item. 



PRO TIP: You can quickly verify which items are Available/Unavailable at the top of your screen by clicking on the All or Unavailable buttons.


Deactivate a Modifier

Otter Essentials

For Otter Essentials Customers, please reach out to our team via Live Chat and select the option
1. Deactivate / Reactivate Menu Item. 


Otter Core & Otter Pro

To deactivate a modifier item within your Otter Tablet:

Step Process Image

Click the menu icon (☰) in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.


If you're using New Order Manager, select Menus on the homepage.

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Navigate to Menu from the drop-down menu and select.

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Select Modifiers in the upper right-hand corner.

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Select the Modifier Items you would like 86’d (deactivated).


Select from the following options:
Available - Keeps the item available for purchase and use
Unavailable today - Mark the item as out of stock until tomorrow
Unavailable indefinitely - Mark the item as out of stock until you manually reactivate it


Click the orange button at the bottom to remove the item.



Deactivate multiple items in bulk in Order Manager

  1. Sign in to Order Manager
  2. Access the Items tab
  3. Check each checkbox next to all items you'd like to mark as out of stock
  4. At the bottom of the page, select Change Availability
  5. Select from the following options:
    • Available - Keeps the item available for purchase and use
    • Unavailable today - Mark the item as out of stock until tomorrow
    • Unavailable indefinitely - Mark the item as out of stock until you manually reactivate it
  6. Select Publish Availability to update the item for all delivery partners

Deactivate an item across different locations

  1. Sign in to Order Manager
  2. Access the Items tab
  3. Select Edit Item next to the item you'd like to change
  4. Select Mixed Availability
  5. Adjust the availability at each location where the item is available
  6. Select Publish Availability to update the item for all delivery partners

Deactivate an item in Otter Dashboard

  1. Access Otter Dashboard
  2. Select Apps in the top-left corner and then Menus
  3. Select the menu with the items that need to be marked as out of stock
  4. Select the Items tab
  5. Check the checkbox next to the item that you'd like to mark as out of stock
  6. Select Availability
  7. Select from the following options:
    • Available - Keeps the item available for purchase and use
    • Unavailable today - Mark the item as out of stock until tomorrow
    • Unavailable indefinitely - Mark the item as out of stock until you manually reactivate it
  8. Select Publish Availability to update the item for all delivery partners



What if my delivery partner is unsupported for 86'ing (deactivating)?

If you see a partner is Unsupported, this indicates we do not yet Support 86ing/deactivating menu items for that partner yet.

In order to remove an item for an Unsupported Partner, please contact our Support team.


Still need help? Reach out to our team:

Chat Icon in Otter Dashboard Live Chat   Text bubble Text/SMS Message
Chat with support by clicking the chat icon in the bottom right corner of the Otter Dashboard.  

+1 (888) 681-8837

Send us a text to the number above for assistance over text message.
