Third-Party POS Integration Settings

When you make changes to your POS settings, the changes will need to be reflected in Otter as well to avoid order injection issues. The changes made in your POS can be updated in Otter within the POS Settings of the Otter Dashboard.

Available POS settings in the Otter Dashboard

  • View all the POS integration parameters set up for each of the stores.
  • Update the POS channel settings under its control for each store. 
    • These are parameters pulled directly from the POS, per integration, based on what you have configured on your POS account.
  • Turn on/off the POS injection per channel.

Examples of those settings are payment ID, dining ID, pickup ID, etc.

Otter Dashboard POS settings are only available for the following service providers:
Simphony v2
NCR Aloha
Epos Now
Session POS



Adjusting POS Integration Settings in Otter Dashboard

Follow the guide below to learn how to adjust and review your third-party POS settings directly within the Otter Dashboard.

You will not be able to edit core integration parameters or self-offboard from a POS integration. If you would like to edit core parameters or offboard a POS, please contact support for assistance.
Step Process Image
1 From the profile dropdown access the [Settings].
Otter Dashboard Settings

From the side panel, select the [Integrations] tab and click on [Connected].

Identify the POS integration you wanna view or edit parameters for.

Connected Integrations

By clicking on the POS integration, you have the list of stores in your organization that use this POS integration.

Click on the POS Integration [Settings] button of the location you need to access.

Toast Store Integrations
4 From there, you can:
  • Expand the [Point of Sales] section to look at the data used to connect the integration.
  • See the [Connected Channels] status per POS integration
    • If the toggle is OFF, Otter won’t inject orders in the POS;
    • If the toggle is ON, Otter will inject orders in the POS.
  • Spot if there is an issue at the Settings level. This is indicated by the little triangle icon close to the toggle. It can be at the Connected channel Level or at the Point of Sales level. 
If there are ongoing issues, the order injection is at risk of failure.
POS Integration Settings

When expanding the [Point of Sales] section, you can only see parameters used to integrate the POS. These parameters can not be edited. If there is an issue with any of these parameters, please contact support to update the details.

These parameters vary per POS integration

Expand "Point of sale" section

By clicking on [Edit channel settings], you can see and/or edit the parameters set for this particular channel on the POS.

These are parameters that will determine how Otter injects orders for this particular Channel.

Edit channel settings

From here, you can see and/or edit the parameters that will be used to inject the orders coming from this channel into the POS.

If a parameter is missing, you will have an error message at the top.

Edit POS Parameters
8 To edit a parameter, click on the related dropdown and all the possible selectable options will be directly pulled from the POS.
Editing a POS parameter
9 If the parameter is an optional one, you will be able to just [Clear] the setting and save.
Clear POS parameter setting



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