Self-Serve Multi-Menus


Multi-Menus allows you to have multiple menus for a single location. This means you can now set up specific menus for breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc. directly within Otter Dashboard.

Let's take a closer look at how the Product Mix Report can benefit your business and boost your bottom line.


Benefits of using Multi-Menus:

  • Customization: With Self-Serve Multi-Menus, you can tailor your menus to cater to different times of the day, offering a wider range of options for your customers.
  • Improved Efficiency: By having separate menus for different meal times, you can streamline the ordering process and reduce wait times for your customers.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: With more menu options available, customers can find exactly what they are looking for, leading to increased satisfaction and repeat business.
  • Flexibility: Self-Serve Multi-Menus give you the flexibility to update menus in real-time, allowing you to easily add new items or make changes as needed.
  • Increased Revenue: By offering more menu options, you have the potential to attract a larger customer base and increase sales.
What is it used for? When to use it? Why should it be used?
You can create additional menus within the same template, assign hours and categories to them, and apply the menu to one or more locations. You can benefit from this feature if your business model offers different dishes based on the time of day. We want to help you manage different menus in Otter and publish them to the channels that support it.



Adding a New Menu

Follow the steps below to learn how to add a new menu in Otter Dashboard.

How to: Add a New Menu in Otter Dashboard


Step Process Image
1 Open Otter Dashboard.
Otter Dashboard
2 Click on [Apps] and select [Menus] from the drop-down.
Click on Menus App.png
3 Select [Add Menu].
Select Add Menu.png

Select which brand you would like to create the new menu for and give the menu a name.

Click [Continue] to move to the next step.

Add Menu to Brand and Name the New Menu.png

Select where we should import your menu from:

If you pick Online service menu, select which online service provider you have integrated with Otter to import the menu.

Click [Continue] to move to the next step.

Where should we import your menu from?.png

Use the Location drop-down to select which location best represents your restaurant's menu.

Click [Continue] to move to the next step.

Select which location best represents your restaurant's menu.png

Select all the locations you would like to serve the new menu.

Click [Create Menu] to import the menu into Otter.

Select Locations to serve the new menu.png
8 After the menu has been imported, be sure to check the availability status of your menu items at each location. The availability status will not be preserved upon import.
Check availability status for menu items after import.png
9 You will now have access to the additional menu within Otter.
Multi-Menu Setup [Lunch & Dinner].png
New Lunch Menu.png



Create a Multi-Menu

Follow the steps below to learn how to setup your Multi-Menu in Otter Dashboard.

How to: Manage/Update Multi-Menu in Otter Dashboard

Gif Walkthrough

Key Points to Remember:

  • The multi-menu will only be published to channels that support multi-menus.
  • Some channels do not permit overlapping hours between menus; users will receive a notification when publishing if this occurs.
  • A menu without set hours will not be published.
Step Process Image
1 Open Otter Dashboard.
Otter Dashboard
2 Click on [Apps] and select [Menus] from the drop-down.
Click on Menus App.png
3 Select the menu you would like to udpate.
Select the Menu you want to update Hours for.png
4 Multi Menus can be managed and explored through two different access points: the dropdown menu on the Overview page and the Menus tab.
Overview Page
From the multi-menu dropdown on the Overview page, it is possible to add a new menu by selecting "Add Menu," view an existing menu directly on the same page or access the settings for an existing menu by choosing the "Edit Menu" option.
Menus tab
In the Menus tab, it is possible to add a new menu by clicking "Add Menu," filter existing menus by the assigned location, select one or more menus for bulk deletion, search for a menu by name, and access a specific menu to edit its settings.
Overview Page
Menus tab

When selecting "Add Menu" or accessing an existing menu, the necessary information must be provided to configure the menu. These settings will be specifically associated with the selected menu.

  • Name (mandatory): this will appear to the channels
  • Description: (note: not all channels support menu description)
  • Cuisine types: help categorize the menu, aiding in indexing within the channel.
  • Fulfillment mode: this selection will depend on how the eater will be able to place orders for the menu
  • Categories: the user can create the menu by adding categories to it. Only added categories will be offered with this menu.
  • Assigned locations: the menu can be assigned to one or more locations
  • Offered on: the menu can be served to one or more channels, this menu will be published only to the selected channels.

Remember to "Save" the changes!

PLEASE NOTE: Assigning hours to a menu from the Menus tab is crucial, as menus will not be published without these settings in place.



How to Manage Menu Hours

Follow the steps below to learn how to update Menu Hours in Otter Dashboard.

How to: Manage/Update Menu Hours in Otter Dashboard


Step Process Image
1 Open Otter Dashboard.
Otter Dashboard
2 Click on [Apps] and select [Menus] from the drop-down.
Click on Menus App.png
3 Select the menu you would like to update hours for.
Select the Menu you want to update Hours for.png
4 Click on the [Hours] tab.
Hours tab in Menus.png
5 Select [Edit].
Edit Menu Hours.png

Set the hours for the location's menu.

Click on the 3 dots to copy the hours to all days or add an additional set of hours for a specific day (i.e. 10am-1pm and 2pm-4pm).

Click [Save] when hours are set.

Set hours for menu.png
Copy hours to all days.png
7 Click [Publish] to publish the new menu hours to your online service providers.
Publish new menu hours.png


Frequently Asked Questions

Is multi-menu supported on all food delivery applications?

Multi-menus is supported by all food delivery applications that also support this feature.

Can I publish only one menu?

No, when a menu is published, all of the menus are published together.

Is this feature available in all countries?

Yes, this feature is available in all countries.

What are the limitations?

You need to have at least one menu in the "Brand" menu. When there is only one menu, the "Delete" button will be disabled.

What happens when I publish the hours?

When hours are published, all menu hours are published together for enabled food delivery applications.



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