How do I adjust the volume of my tablet?

Page Contents:


Otter Tablets have their external volume buttons disabled. All notification settings and volume levels must be changed after unlocking the tablet.

Customers that supply their own Android devices may follow the standard Android troubleshooting guide for volume issues.

User Instructions

General Sound Troubleshooting

If your tablet is silent after the previous steps, go through the following checklist:

  • Make sure any external devices are disconnected (USB chargers, speakers, headphones) or removed (cases, stands, etc.)
  • Make sure your device isn’t connected by Bluetooth to another accessory.
  • Make sure your device isn’t muted or in airplane mode.
  • Make sure your device has a solid connection to the Wi-Fi.
  • Make sure the speaker isn’t blocked or wet.

NOTE: Use a dry toothbrush to lightly remove any obstructions.

Tablet too quiet/too loud

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen.

  2. Tap the setting icon on the top right.

  3. Tap Sound.

  4. Adjust the volume bars as necessary.

    1. NOTE: We recommend maxing out all volume bars.

  5. Make sure Do Not Disturb is OFF.

You can test your volume settings in the Otter app.

  1. Open the Otter appOpen your Settings
  2. Tap Play Test Sound

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