Reprinting an Order Ticket


If you need to reprint a ticket for a live, complete, or a past order— you can do so from the Orders App within Otter POS or Order Manager Tablet, or the Web-version of Order Manager.

Ticket Types

When reprinting a ticket, you’ll be given options (depending on the order status) what ticket type you’d like to reprint. Learn more about each ticket type below:

  • Shows order breakdown of all items and item price (if toggled on) included in the order. Typically used at order prep stations or order handoffs.

    Customer Ticket Example

    Customer Ticket Example

  • Shows order and payment details for the order. Typically thought of as the receipt given to the customer.

    Payment Receipt Example

    Payment Receipt Example

  • Shows only item information and kitchen station name specific for the assigned kitchen station.

    Station Ticket Example

    Station Ticket Example



Reprinting a Ticket from Orders App

To reprint a ticket from the Order Manager Tablet or Otter POS, you can do so from the Orders App

Orders App POS


Depending on the status of the order, you'll be shown the type of tickets you're able to reprint. 

Order Status Ticket Type

Customer Ticket

Payment Receipt

Station Ticket(s)


Customer Ticket

Station Ticket(s)



Steps to Reprint from Orders App

Follow the steps below to reprint a ticket from the Orders App on Otter POS or Order Manager tablet:

InfoReprint Printer Location

When reprinting a ticket, the ticket will only print to the printer connected directly to the POS or tablet via Bluetooth or USB connection. 



Reprinting a Ticket from Web Manager

To reprint a ticket from the Web-version of Order Manager, you just need to select an order from the order list and click [Reprint Ticket].

Web OM Reprint Ticket

Web Manager Ticket Reprint Example

NoteWeb Manager Ticket Type

From Web Order Manager, you can only print the Customer Ticket.



Reprinting a Ticket After 24+ Hours

If you need to reprint a ticket from an order over 24 hours after the order was placed, you’ll need to filter your order list to the History tab within the Orders App.

History Order Tab

Order History Tab in Orders App in POS

InfoOrder 24+ Hour Ticket Type

For orders over 24+ hours, you will only have the option to reprint the Customer Ticket by selecting [Reprint Ticket].




  • Yes— you can reprint as many copies of a ticket as needed, however, you cannot print multiple copies at once. You will need to individually reprint each copy needed.


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