Stations Management


The Stations app within the Otter Dashboard allows restaurant admins to set up seamless menu routing. There, admins can:

  • Create different prep stations
  • Edit and manage prep stations
  • Add menu items to prep station routing
  • View all stations and item station assignment

This feature enhances operational efficiency, simplifies station routing, and optimizes kitchen workflows for quality and performance. 



Station Set-up

There will be 1 station automatically created for your restaurant (per location) within the Otter Dashboard. This station, named Kitchen Station, will contain all menu items to be routed to that station by default. You can edit/rename this station at anytime. 

Default Stations:

The auto-created Kitchen Station will be marked as the default station. All items not manually assigned to a different station will route to the station set as the default station.

You can select which station you’d like as the default station by clicking Set as default station while editing an existing or creating a new station.

More stations can be added if you wish to route certain menu items to a different part of the kitchen for preparation. 

For Example:

Happy Otter Burgers currently has 1 kitchen station. However, they need:

  • Tickets for fries and onion rings to go to the fryer preparation area
  • Tickets for burgers to go to the grilling preparation area
  • Tickets for sodas and milkshakes to go to the drinks preparation area

In the Stations app, the admin for Happy Otter Burgers would create the following new stations:

  1. Fryer Station
  2. Grill Station
  3. Drink Station

Once new stations are created, desired menu items can be assigned to route to those preparation stations.


Adding a Station

To add a new station, follow the steps below:



Editing Stations

Once a station is created, you can rename or delete a station, and edit the default station assignment.

Updating Stations

To make updates to a station, follow the steps below:


Item Assignment:

To adjust a menu item’s station assignment, you will need to do so from the Menus App within the Otter Dashboard.

Learn how to edit an item’s assigned station here.


Deleting a Station

Before a station can be deleted, all items currently assigned to that station must first be reassigned to a different station. 

Delete Station Error:

While trying to delete a station, if items are still assigned to that station, you will not be able to delete that station— the option to delete will be unclickable and a notification will show when hovered over. 

Delete Station Error



To delete a station, follow the steps below:



Adding Items to a Station

Adding or editing a menu item’s station assignment can be done from the Menus App within the Otter Dashboard under the menu item details. 

Follow the steps below to add or edit menu item station assignment:


Step Process Image

From the Otter Dashboard, select Apps > Menus.

Select the menu you’d like to make station assignment edits to.

Menus App

Click on an item to edit.

Scroll to Assigned Locations section.

Click Edit Details.

Edit Assigned Locations

Select desired station from Kitchen Station drop-down.

Note: Be sure to make selections to change for all or specific locations.

Click [Done].

Kitchen Station Drop-down
4 Click [Save] > [Confirm] to save item station edits.
Save Menu Item Edit

Click [Publish] to publish menu updates.

Select all locations and delivery channels you'd like to apply changes, then click [Publish menu].

Publish Button


Navigation Tip

If you’re already on the Stations page within the Otter Dashboard, you can just select a station, then click the [Route items] button. This will redirect you to the Menu Overview page for that menu.

Stations Route Items

From there, you can follow the steps below to add or edit item station assignments.


Bulk Item Station Assignment

When needing to change the station assignment for multiple items to the same station— you can update the station assignment at once by bulk updating. 

Follow the steps below to bulk update station assignment:


Step Process Image
1 From a Menu page, select all items to edit.
Multi-Menu Item Check
2 Click [Change Stations] on the bottom menu bar.
Change Stations Button

Select location(s) you’d like to make an edit to.

Click [Continue].

Station Change Location Select

Select station from Update Station drop-down.

Click [Update station assignment].

Update Station Section

Click [Publish] to publish menu updates.

Select all locations and delivery channels you'd like to apply changes, then click [Publish menu].

Publish Button




Is there additional subscription cost for Stations App?

No! All Otter customers will have access to Stations App.

Should I republish my menu after editing Stations?

It is recommended that you republish your menu where edits were made to ensure your menu is up to date on all platforms.
Note: If you only have an Order Manager subscription, you do not need to take this step.

Can I edit Stations for my Future Foods menu?

Currently, menus for Future Foods are not able to be edited in Otter Dashboard— due to this, stations cannot be edited for menu items.

Can I edit stations for Cloud Kitchens?

Currently, stations for a Cloud Kitchen location cannot edit stations. Only locations outside of a Cloud Kitchens location can edit stations for their menu items.


Still need help? Reach out to our team:

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Chat with support by clicking the chat icon in the bottom right corner of the Otter Dashboard.  

+1 (888) 681-8837

Send us a text to the number above for assistance over text message.


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