Always On


The Always On feature allows restaurants to minimize possible revenue loss by receiving text notifications when a store go offline or closes down during regular business hours. 

Always On allows you to:

  • Stay on top of business operations with a detailed live view of all locations and daily lost revenue.
  • Filter data by store or delivery partner to quickly identify possible issues and quickly make adjustments.
  • Catch changes to your storefront status as soon as they occur— Receive a text message whenever a store goes offline


Enabling Always On

Follow the steps below to enable the Always On feature.


Alert Settings

Otter offers a wide variety of notification types— allowing you to pick the types of events you want to be alerted for. To manage the events you'd like to be alerted or, just click [View notifications] from the Always On page.

Always On View Notifications

You can adjust settings to customize your notification preferences:

  1. Operator pauses: You can choose to receive alerts when a staff member or an operator manually pauses a store. 

    Example: If a staff member pauses a store, there will be [no] alert and store unpausing.

  2. Excessive pauses: You can specify whether a store should be unpaused after repeated consecutive pausing within a specific timeframe. This guardrail is important because consecutive pausing may signal other problems with the store.

    Example: Within a 1-hour window, a store will not be unpaused for a third time after two consecutive unpausing events.

  3. Closing time sensitivity: You can set conditions for unpausing based on the store's closing time. This can be beneficial when the kitchen is already closed.

    Example: Alerts and unpausing will not happen 30 minutes before store closing.

  4. Timeout for missed and canceled orders: You can decide not to automatically unpause a store based on missed or canceled orders. This is beneficial as Delivery Service Providers may penalize stores that consecutively miss or cancel orders.

    Example: After 1 detected missed order, the store will not be unpaused.


Always On Notifications

Otter will automatically check store availability every 10 minutes. If Always On is enabled and a store or channel is detected as paused during operating hours, a text message notification will be sent to the registered contacts for that location. 

Once a text notification is sent about paused store or offline channel, that store will be automatically turned on (unpaused) if no response is received within 5 minutes. 

Example Text:

Always On Example

The 'Always On' alert will display the name of the store (the brand and which channel or Delivery Service Provider) is detected offline/paused. 

If multiple channels or delivery platforms are detected offline at the same time— separate texts will be sent for each platform or channel. 

Keep in mind, you can text STOP to opt out of all alerts. You will stop receiving alerts for all stores. (This only applies to the contact that responded; other contacts registered to the store are unaffected).



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