Automated Promotions & Ads Optimization

Boost Automation allows you to optimize both ads and promotions on your delivery apps within a single campaign. You will also be able to create a campaign under one high-level marketing budget/spending target.

Use the section below to learn where and how to access the settings for configuring both ads and promotions on a campaign.

Boost Automation



Accessing Automated Ads Optimization Settings

Follow the steps below to learn how to optimize both ads and promotions within the [Marketing] app in your Otter Dashboard.

Step Process Image
1 Login to the Otter Dashboard.
Otter Dashboard Homepage
2 Navigate to the [Apps] dropdown and select the [Marketing] tab.
Marketing app
3 Select the [Delivery App Marketing] tab on the left.
Delivery App Marketing
4 Click on the [Create new] button at the top right to create a new campaign.
Create New button
5 Select the [Boost Automation] option.
Boost automation campaign

Configure the Campaign:

Enable the Promotions & Ads setting within the “strategy selector."

Boost Automation
Click on the [Create Campaign] button at the top right to save.
Select [Create Campaign] to save
8 Successful Check Mark Campaign created with automated ads optimization!   



Still need help? Reach out to our team:

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+1 (888) 681-8837

Send us a text to the number above for assistance over text message.

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